Voting process

Amanda Scott is the 2023 Langbourn Aldermanic Candidate.

This election may come down to one vote. Yours.

For me to take action, first you need to take action.

Vote for Amanda Scott

Countdown finished!

Your polling station is:

We need an Alderman who will give forward.

Imagine if this was just the beginning.

For the official election timeline, please visit: City of London.

It is important to abide by the guidelines and dates set out by Electoral Services.

1. Put the date in your diary

Check if you'll be around on 2nd November for the polling date or sign up for a Postal Vote. 

Top tip: Pop 15-30 minutes in your diary to head over to the polling station at St Edmund the King and Martyr church from 8am to 8pm. 

2. Register for your postal vote

If you’d prefer to vote by post or are unsure that you’ll be able to make it to vote in-person then apply for a postal vote by 5pm on 18 October (~11 days before the polling date).

Top tip: I highly recommend doing this now while you're thinking about it. Plus this approach will ensure you have the opportunity to vote as 80% of postal voters do vote. 

Postal Vote

3. Return your postal vote

Postal votes are sent out approximately 10 days before election day. Therefore it may be sent around 19 October so keep an eye on your post.

You have until the close of poll on election day to return your postal vote via prepaid envelope. If it arrives later than this time it will not be counted. You can always bring it to the polling station on the day. 

Top tip:
Complete and return your postal vote ASASP. If you leave it too late to return your postal vote by post, you can always hand it in to the polling station on 2nd November. 


Attend the polling day on 2nd November from 8am to 8pm at St Edmund the King and Martyr church. It will be a pleasure to see you there!

Top tip: Several of us will be together at the pubs and restaurants in Langbourn afterwards. Let me know if you'd like to join or just come along!

Have a voice

Email or call me to discuss your perspectives and ideas.

Top tip: If you prefer a quieter way to contribute, I'm happy to host virtual input sessions. It's important that everyone has a voice, even the quieter among us :). 

Need help or guidance?

I know several of you have changed jobs or addresses. You are still eligible to vote so please do! I'm happy to point you in the right direction.

I'd like some help please
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